Download Flyer Training PHI

IBI & IPHI offers a 3- Year Certification Training in Pelvic-Heart Integration® (600+ hours) given by certified trainers in Pelvic-Heart Integration®. If you are interested to take this training, you can enroll here. We maintain a list of accredited teachers and practitioners of PHI (registered ™). Please contact the IBI-secretariat.

For Whom: For all interested people and practitioners in the field, interested to increase their level of experience, skill and understanding of psychosexual bodymind work. For people interested in Personal Development. For therapists in the field of Body Psychotherapy (Students and practitioners in Postural Integration®, Energetic Integration®, Core Energetics, Tantra, Bodymind Therapy, Hakomi, Gestalt Therapy, Reichian oriented Therapies, Body Therapy (Shiatsu, Massage, Movement Education, etc.)

Entry Criteria: Minimum of 50 Hours of Personal Development Sessions/ Experiential Work/ Emotional Process Work (Individual or Group), Experience with Body Psychotherapy, Bodymind Integration, Bodywork, Systemic Work

Enrollment & Bank Information: Send € 100,- to: BE24 0017 2768 0538  (Inst. Bodymind Integration (Dirk Marivoet) - BIC BNP Paribas Fortis : GEBABEBB) with communication: PHI-Training  You will receive a first confirmation and an invitation for an interview. You can also call us and ask for an interview: +32 9 228 49 11 or +43 676 3121929. After the interview you will receive a definitive confirmation letter.


In synergy with the 3-year training in PHI, later on additional modules will be offered in Postural Integration and Energetic Integration, leading to certification also in those methods. All methods can be practiced within the context of Body Psychotherapy or of Personal Development.

ICPIT offers Introductory Workshops in PHI, PI and EI (3 to 5 days). Upcoming events are planned in Belgium (Brussels/Ghent), Austria (Several locations), France (Corsica, ...), Italy (Milano,...), Germany (Munich,...), Estonia, United Kingdom (London,....), The Netherlands (Nijmegen,...), USA, Mexico (Querétaro, Guadalajara, Tepoztlan... ), Brazil,…

Come join us for this extraordinary and transformative training

Pelvic-Heart Integration® is a Western way to overcome the split between sexuality and love, the masculine and the feminine, the genitals and the heart, within the person and through trans-generational work.

The Method was developed by Jack Painter, Ph.D. and auspiced by ICPIT (The International Council of PsychoCorporal Integration Trainers, founded by Dr. Painter in 1988)

Throughout our lives we separate our sexuality from the feelings of our heart over and over again. While we run away from our deep feelings of our broken hearts, we are investing a lot of energy in our sexual recognition. The way we separate love and sex from each other, is reflected in our body. The connection between the heart and pelvis allows us to see our natural rhythm of pleasure and excitement, thus connecting our male and female side in us. The simultaneous work with breathing, touch, movement, feelings and thoughts brings the energy between the heart and pelvis to flow and opens us to love ourselves and others.




  • How to use the breath to access new levels of excitement with or without a partner
  • How to identify characteristic patterns and blocks to the free flow of orgasmic energy and how these blocks are related to body types and personality types
  • How to identify the origin of these sexual blocks and how to release them on physical, energetic, and emotional levels
  • How to free yourself from old, dysfunctional patterns and become a mature, self-validating individual
  • How to use pelvic-heart bodywork to release trauma and to increase orgasmic pleasure


Dirk2015Dirk Marivoet (B), Dirk is a registered psychotherapist (member of EAP, EABP, BVP-ABP, WAPCEPC), and a licenced Psychomotor Therapist (MSc) and PT (MSc) in mental health (member of VVPMT). He is the general-secretary at ICPIT, director and founder of the Institute for Bodymind Integration in Ghent(B), trainer for Postural Integration®, Energetic Integration® and Pelvic-Heart Integration® (certified as a practitioner in PHI in 2001). He worked at the University of Leuven for many years (Psychiatric Centers and Faculty for Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences). He also studied under John Pierrakos, co-founder of Bio-Energetics and Core-Energetics and is a teacher and supervisor at the Netherlands Institute for Core-Energetics (NICE). Shamanic Training (Lakota, Druid, Tibetan). Father of two.


Mag. Elisabeth Renner (A) is a Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Body Psychotherapist living in Graz, Austria. She graduated from University of Vienna where she did her post graduate clinical work and later studied with Jack Painter for more than 10 years. She is an accredited ICPIT-TRAINER for Postural Integration®, Energetic Integration® and Pelvic-Heart Integration®. Elisabeth has her private office in Graz and offers annual trainings and workshops through out Europe in PI, EI and PHI. Every year Elisabeth also offers a body & nature wisdom seminar in Hawaii… when on island, she loves to swim with wild Spinner dolphins and Humpback whales!

Martina Möbius (A), Martina is a certified Pelvic-Heart Integration® practitioner. She is the Helper-Trainer in this training. She is also a certified practitioner in Shiatsu, Babyshiatsu and Shiatsu for Children. A Life and Social Consultant, a graduated Social Worker and a graduated nurse and nurse teacher. Martina is an expert for body  awareness and enriching sexuality. She loves to explore the adventure of partnership and sexuality and to fully live it in a loving way with her husband and her two sons. She lives close to the border - to herself and to Hungary;-)

CarminePiroliCarmine Piroli (I), Clinical Psychologist - Psychotherapist. Lives and works in Rome, where he is born. Author of "Il corpo integrato. Teorie e tecniche psicocorporee nella psicoterapia e nel counselling". Studied with Jack W. Painter. Certified ICPIT trainer in Pelvic-Heart Integration®(certified as a practitioner in PHI in 2001), Postural Integration® and Energetic Integration®. Works for ASPIC (Università Populare di Counseling - Scuola Superiore Europea di Counseling in Rome) where he leads seminars and trainings in "IL CORPO CHE CURA IL CORPO." Carmine is a warmhearted person and trainer with a broad interest in culture, literature, science and society and he loves sports, time close to the sea, walks in mountains and fun with people. Carmine is the clinical supervisor of this training. 


Part I : October 30th-November 3rd 2017

Part II: February 14-18th 2018

Part III: May 9-13th 2018




Part I : October 24th -28th  2018

Part II: February 20th -24th  2019

Part III:  June 5th -9th  2019




Part I: October 23rd-27th  2019

Part II: March 18th-22nd  2020

Part III: June 10th-14th 2020



PRICES : 650,- € per 5 days (Incl. Manual) - Excl. Accomodation - Lodging + Food (About 40 euros per day!!). You can arrive the evening before and stay a day longer if you want to make use of the possibility to receive individual sessions from Elisabeth and Dirk (either single or double therapist sessions).

WHERE? 8562 Nagytevel / Jokai 5a  - HUNGARY - Flyer about the center in HungaryWe can organize a shuttle from Vienna Airport ( this is the nearest airport!). Please communicate your plans and arrival time if you want to make use of this option. 

Curriculum of the 3-Year Pelvic-Heart Integration® Training

The aim of this training series is to become a Pelvic Heart Integration® Practitioner-Coach. Pelvic-Heart Integration® is auspiced by ICPIT, the sole representative organ of PHI® worldwide. ICPIT maintains the register of certified practitioners worldwide. Please inform yourself about the status of someone offering workshops under this name. After graduation you will be part of the International community (ICPIT)  of practitioners in Bodymind Integration methods, founded by Jack Painter, PhD in 1988: Postural Integration®, Energetic Integration®, Pelvic-Heart Integration®. Sufficient experiences will help the students to transform their life and help them to be able to coach others in their transformation process on a physical, mental and spiritual level.
Part of the training is a basic knowledge of anatomy and body reading. The student will receive a full series of individual sessions and learn to give these to others. The student finds support in his/her process to find and to maintain their own center, to thereby also accompany others in their healing process.


Methods and Foundations for Year 1

For a detailed curriculum go Here

PHIA3Group process and individual process work -Guided Therapeutic and Facilitating Work by the Trainers of PHI
Sexual Energy and its Theories: Multifactorial dynamics of human sexuality, Developmental Psychology, Sexuality and Age, Energy theories of Sexuality and Sexual Dysfunction, Orgastic Potency, Character & Muscular Armoring, Healthy Sexuality - Sexual Morality, Psychological Aspects

Femininity vs. Masculinity: The difference between Masculine and Feminine as seen in PHI; the Mystery and Attraction of Masculine and Feminine - Eros, Love, Sexuality from a PHI perspective; same sex sexuality; Male and Female Orgasm;

Blockages of the Sexual Energy: Sexual Dysfunctions; Sexual Desire Blockages; Sexual Arousal Dysfunction; Impotence; Eros, Love, Sexuality from a PHI perspective; Frigidity; Orgasm problems; Energetic Sexual Blockages; Pelvic-Floor Dysfunction; Premature Ejaculation

Anatomy, TCM and Physiology I: Developmental Biology; Sexual development from Embryo to Child; General Anatomy & Physiology; Special Topics: Neurobiology & Physiology of Heart, Genitals, Myofascial Networks; Anatomy of the Chakras; Energy Meridians and Fine Energy

Bodymind Techniques for Sexual Release and Integration: Gestalt; Pelvic-Heart Bodywork; Introduction to the Natural Energetic Cycle; Introduction to the Blockages in The Energetic Cycle; Reichian Segmental Armoring; Bodymind Drama; Working with Ideal Support; Real Situation; Titrating; Breath techniques, Therapeutic Touch-Myofascial Techniques (PI); Pelvic-Heart Movement Awareness & Expression Exercises; Imagery and Hypnotic Techniques

Character Structures in Sexuality: Reichian Character Types in the Energetic Cycle: Fragmented, Oral, Inflated, Compressed, Rigid; Rigid Character Types: Hysteric; Passive-Feminine; Phallic-Narcissistic; Masculine-aggressive; Obsessive-compulsive; Body Reading of Character Types; Work on the armor of the different character types; Sexual Blockages; Work with the different character structures in the interaction of couples.

Triangle Work: Exploration of Family triangles & Triangulation; Ideal Parents vs. Real Parents; Transforming the roles in the triangle; coming to new possible solutions.

Therapeutic Relationship:  The Working Alliance in PHI; Necessary and sufficient conditions in PHI; Acting out - Acting in; Erotic Transference-Countertransference

Sexual Shadow Work: Beliefs, thoughts, experiences held in our unconscious; Shame, guilt, embarrassment; Exploration of Mask, Lower Self, Higher Self Layers of Consciousness; Sexual Trauma and Acting Out

Myth and the Body: Embodied Myth play around relevant mythological archetypes, themes and topics like Oedipus; Electra; Tristan & Isolde; Adam & Eva; Romeo & Julia; Lancelot & Guinevere; …

Curriculum - Year 1: 

A total of 150 residential group hours, divided into three five day blocks in a period of 1  year. 

Practical work within the training group:

Practical work - with one another and within the group. Personal experiences of practical work to be reported in a training diary.

Practical work outside the group: Peer Group Meetings: minimum 20 hours

The students form small groups outside the training group where learned fundamentals and methods are repeated, shared and practiced. In this framework, an exchange of sessions is planned. Exercises are repeated; Time is also needed to complete Reading Assignments; Homework; Preparation of Exercises for PHI, Rhythmic Fitness with the Energy Wave, Breathing (Secure, Nurturing, …), Gestalt work, Triangle work,….

Supervision/Mentoring by the trainer or assistants : Online meetings to the extent of minimum 6 hours (3 x 2 hours).

Personal Pelvic-Heart Integration sessions:

The students are encouraged to receive for their own personal development a number of sessions of recognized pelvic-heart integration practitioners. A minimum of 10 sessions and a report on this self-experience are required (20 hours).

Total number of hours: minimum of 196 hours

After successful completion of the first Year, it is possible to enroll in the second and  the third year of the PHI-training which leads to certification as a Pelvic-Heart Integration® practitioner (for details see our website or inquire at

Year 2

Methods and Foundations for Year 2

For a detailed curriculum go Here


Group process and individual process work -Guided Therapeutic and Facilitating Work by the Trainers of PHI

Connection of our Male and Female parts: The Way of Merging; Ecstasy as Process; Inner Alchemy and Inner Marriage

Women’s sexual issues and pelvic-heart work

Men’s sexual issues and pelvic-heart work

Theories of Sexuality and Energy: General Theory of Pelvic-Heart Integration; Therapeutic dilemmas in the sexological clinic; Energy theories of Sexuality and Sexual Dysfunction Part 2; Orgastic Potency; Character & Muscular Armoring; Ethics & Holistic Healthcare; Treatment of genital, sexual and non-sexual pain, etc.

Anatomy, TCM and Physiology II:  The outer structure of the Pelvis; the Pelvic Floor; the Female Sexual Structure, the Male Sexual Structure; Physiology of the Orgasm; the Orgasm Reflex;

Spirituality in Sexuality: Support through our Ancestors; The virtual fulfillment of sexual needs of our Ancestors; Introducing Sexuality in a Session; Spirituality in Transference and Counter-Transference.

Body Reading II: Finding Sexual Integration: creating ideal support; allowing guidance from your inner God and Goddess place;  finding new possibilities of sexually grounded movement in the body.

Bodymind Techniques for Sexual Integration: Meridians relevant to sexual functioning and emotional activation; Fine Energy work with the ideal support; deep touch of the inner Core : Heart and Pelvis; Psychodrama, role playing, and group facilitation skills; Working with developmental stages throughout the whole life cycle and inter-generational patterns in sexuality and love.

Ecstasy: the art of self-love, ecstatic plateau; multiple orgasms; sexual rest.

Sexual Resonance with your Partner: Phases in Partnership; from distance to inner harmony; The encounter of partners resonating with each other’s supportive ideal parents.

Myth and the Body II.

Therapeutic Relationship II: Deciding where to start, the middle and the end; When to make referrals, and what to leave alone; Reichian character types and masculine/feminine, yin/yang – your type and your client’s or partner’s type and how they interact

Curriculum - Year 2

A total of 150 hours of residential group hours, divided into three five day blocks in a period of 1 year.

Topics of Year 1 are repeated and deepened. Focus in Year 2 is on the integration of our inner woman and inner man in ourselves and in relation to others.

Practical work within the training group:

Practical work outside the group: Peer Group Meetings: The students form small groups outside the training group where learned fundamentals and methods are repeated, shared and practiced. In this framework, an exchange of sessions is planned. Exercises are repeated; Time is also needed to complete Reading Assignments; Homework; Preparation of Exercises for PHI, Rhythmic Fitness with the Energy Wave, Breathing (Secure, Nurturing, …), Gestalt work, Triangle work, Ancestral Work, PHI in every stage of life (0-4, 4-14, 14-24, 24-34, etc….), work with couples, ….

Supervision/Mentoring by trainers or assistants

Online meetings (3 X 2 hours) = 6 hours

Individual Self Experience: Personal Sessions (10 sessions) + A report : 20 hours

Practical work with clients under supervision (i.T.u.S) (In Training under Supervision)

    • 8 hours of work with clients plus a report or reflection of 4 sessions with 2 clients of opposite gender). 
    • Minimum 2 hours of supervision.

Total number of hours: Minimum of 216 hours

Year 3

Methods and Foundations for Year 3

For a detailed curriculum go Here


Group process and individual process work -Guided Therapeutic and Facilitating Work by the Trainers of PHI

Structure and Organization of individual PHI sessions: The opening of the Pelvic-Heart Energetic Streams; Following and guiding the Natural Flow of Breath and Energy; Discerning and addressing blockages and sexual trauma; The step by step opening of body awareness in order to encounter the blockages and help the full expression of the erotic, sexual and love energies.

Single Steps in a session:  a) Defining the contract on a cognitive and embodied level b) Phenomenological Exploration and tentative approach to Body Reading; c) Preparation (Making contact; Initial work with energy, breath, touch, meridians and points, etc.) ; d) confronting the defenses, obstacles, blockages, shadows, negativity, etc.; e) going through the conflict; f) Finding acceptance, new alternatives and new awareness; g) Integration;

Priorities in PHI sessions : Knowing where you are in the steps; Finding out what are options and possibilities;  finding alternative ways;

Working with PHI in a Groups: Theory and practice of work with energetic waves in groups; Mandala Work; role playing for supporting inner and outer triangles, ancestral lines; masculine and feminine dynamics;

Working with Couples and Families: Theory and practice of working with Couples and Families; a) Finding the Contract; b) Helping Clarity and Awareness; c) Finding the Conflict; d) Confrontation; e) Solutions; g) Integration; e) Homework

Myth and the Body III.

Therapeutic Relationship III.

Life Supervision with outside clients. 

Setting up the PHI practice


Curriculum hours - Year 3

Residential Group Hours (2 x 5 days) = 100 hours

Supervision Module 1 x 3 days = 30 hours as part of the last 5-day module.

Peer Group Meetings: 2 x 10 hours = 20 hours. (± 2 days)

Repeating exercises. Reading Assignments. Homework, Prepare Exercises for PHI, Rhythmic Fitness with the Energy Wave, Breathing (Secure, Nurturing, …), Exchange sessions, Gestalt, Triangles, Ancestral Work, PHI in every stage of life (0-4, 4-14, 14-24, 24-34, etc….), work with couples,

Practical work with clients under supervision (i.T.u.S) (In Training under Supervision)

    • Work with 3 clients plus a report and reflection of at least 10 sessions with 3 clients of opposite gender). = Minimum 45 hours
    • Minimum 9 sessions of individual supervision.
    • 2 of the 9 supervisions have to be live supervisions.
    • Writing Final Report: Minimum 15 hours

Total number of hours: Minimum 239 hours
