The International Institute for Pelvic Heart Integration
Int'l Institute for Pelvic-Heart Integration®
Destelbergenstraat 49-51, B-9040 Ghent
"If we consider the masculine energy as flowing from the heart downward into the genitals, this heart energy becomes a part of exploring or penetrating male energy – then the genitals are not isolated in what is often temporary satisfaction. If we consider feminine energy as flowing from the genitals upward into the heart, this genital energy becomes part of a warm receptivity – the heart is no longer lonely and searching. Here we are looking at an internal kind of integration which can be supported by special positive re-parenting." (quote Jack Painter, 2007).
Pelvic Heart Integration® engages us directly (not just intellectually) in harmoniously uniting masculine and feminine energy currents. It allows us to discover peace, wholeness, core light, orgasmic bliss and love within us rather than endlessly seeking satisfaction outside ourselves. Through the PHI process we transcend the dualities of male and female, yin and yang, love and sex, upper and lower chakras, individual and
tribe using a powerful combination of Bodymind techniques. These techniques or systems include embodied psychodrama, Reichian breath- and bodywork, Eriksonian interventions, energy work, pelvic release, body reading and work with the inner diaphragms of body balance.
The terms Pelvic Heart Integration® (PHI), Pelvic-Heart® or any variation of these words are legally registered trademarks and can only be used by certified practitioners certified by Dirk & Elisabeth.
After Jack W. Painter, Ph.D. developed his world famous integrated system for general bodywork, called Postural Integration®, he realised that there is so much sexual energy locked in the body, pelvis, heart and mind ... that it deserves more focus to liberate and fully integrate this potent life force. Over the years, he created the Energetic Integration® Method leading to the Pelvic-Heart Integration® method by enriching Wilhelm Reich's Four-Beat Orgasm Formula into a full Natural Energetic Cycle. These comprehensive and all-inclusive methodologies promote readiness for the personal challenges of uniting the masculine and feminine forces in your own bodymind.
We share and teach the theory, protocols and practical wisdom of Pelvic-Heart Integration®, to those individuals interested in advancing their level of work in the psychosexual fields. Unlike most transformational modalities which address body, mental or emotional work separately, PHI deals with body, mind, and spirit in a totally integrated way. It eloquently addresses the physical, sexual, and energetic obstacles to health and harmony along with the psychological and the spiritual aspects. While this approach demands a lot from the practitioner, it also delivers important insights along with more balanced feelings to the client!
Pelvic-Heart Integration® can take the form of a Group modality, or a series of Individual sessions. Group work may not be appropriate for everyone but it often has many advantages over individual work. Recognition, mutual support, sharing and experimentation with others are only a few examples of this. Therefore, both individual and group facilitation skills are taught as part of the PHI training program. Individual session work and group work involves synergising the modalities of breath work, movement, Gestalt, embodied psychodrama, energy work and bodywork. Whether in an individual or group setting, the work creates a safe, healthy and friendly inner and outer environment for satisfying and deep encounters with alike souls.
Pelvic-Heart Integration® is a holistic method to support and free the power of sexual energy within us and address the way in which our culture frequently distorts the natural flow of orgasmic energy. Old wounding patterns experienced through generations are transformed in new liveliness. This opens the possibility to find deep contact and connection with your own creative sexual energy within yourself and with others. As a result, it provides a valuable framework for sexual healing – both in the sense of unraveling sexual dysfunction and in the sense of restoring trust and harmony between men and women, women and women, men and men.
Introductory workshops are available now and are currently being offered in many Countries worldwide, including England, Belgium, Austria, Germany, Italy, France, The Netherlands.... In addition to the introductory workshops, a one year personal growth program in PHI is being offered by PHI-Trainers. This one year program can also be utilised for the first year of the complete three year program leading to a full certification as a PHI practitioner. Contact us if you are interested in any training program and start working with Pelvic-Heart Integration®. Are you interested to collaborate with us and organize an Introductory Workshop? Let us know! We are happy to come.
Pelvic-Heart Integration® is an original synthesis of different bodymind tools and systems. In order to integrate the relevant aspects of ourselves, work is done simultaneously on many different levels and in a thorough way. Through the step-by-step PHI process we progressively transcend the pairs of opposites of male and female, yin and yang, love and sex, upper and lower chakras, individual and tribe. We use a powerful combination of Bodymind drama (embodied psychodrama), Reichian breath- and bodywork, Eriksonian strategies, energy work, pelvic release, body reading, work with the inner diaphragms of body balance & ritual.
We’re Dirk & Elisabeth. We're both psychotherapists and bodymind integrators. Certified Trainers of Pelvic-Heart Integration by Jack Painter, PhD.continuing and furthering his work.
Destelbergenstraat 49-51, B-9040 Ghent
Tel: +32 9 228 49 11
Email: info[at]