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Pelvic-Heart Integration® Certification Training
28th September 2023 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm BST
IPHI offers a 3- Year Certification Training in Pelvic-Heart Integration® (600+ hours) given by certified trainers in Pelvic-Heart Integration®. If you are interested to take such a training, please send your request to the IBI-secretariat.
For Whom: For all interested people and practitioners in the field, interested to increase their level of experience, skill and understanding of psychosexual bodymind work. For people interested in Personal Development. For therapists in the field of Body Psychotherapy (Students and practitioners in Postural Integration®, Energetic Integration®, Core Energetics, Bodymind Therapy, Hakomi, Gestalt Therapy, Reichian oriented Therapies, Body Therapy (Shiatsu, Massage, Movement Education, etc.)
Entry Criteria: Minimum of 50 Hours of Personal Development Sessions/ Experiential Work/ Emotional Process Work (Individual or Group), Experience with Body Psychotherapy, Bodymind Integration, Bodywork, Systemic Work
ICPIT offers Introductory Workshops in PHI (3 to 5 days). Upcoming events are planned in Belgium (Brussels/Ghent), Austria, Italy, Germany, Estonia, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, USA, Hungary,…
Come join us for this extraordinary and transformative training
Pelvic-Heart Integration® is a Western way, developed by Jack W. Painter, PhD. to overcome the split between sexuality and love, the masculine and the feminine, the genitals and the heart, within the person and through trans-generational work.
Throughout our lives we separate our sexuality from the feelings of our heart over and over again. While we run away from our deep feelings of our broken hearts, we are investing a lot of energy in our sexual recognition. The way we separate love and sex from each other, is reflected in our body. The connection between the heart and pelvis allows us to see our natural rhythm of pleasure and excitement, thus connecting our male and female side in us. The simultaneous work with breathing, touch, movement, feelings and thoughts brings the energy between the heart and pelvis to flow and opens us to love ourselves and others.
- How to use the breath to access new levels of excitement with or without a partner
- How to identify characteristic patterns and blocks to the free flow of orgasmic energy and how these blocks are related to body types and personality types
- How to identify the origin of these sexual blocks and how to release them on physical, energetic, and emotional levels
- How to free yourself from old, dysfunctional patterns and become a mature, self-validating individual
- How to use pelvic-heart bodywork to release trauma and to increase orgasmic pleasure
Mag. Elisabeth Renner (A) is a Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Body Psychotherapist living in Graz, Austria. She graduated from University of Vienna where she did her post graduate clinical work and later studied with Dr. Jack Painter for more than 10 years. She is a TRAINER for Postural Integration®, Energetic Integration® and Pelvic-Heart Integration®. Elisabeth has her private office in Graz and offers annual trainings and workshops through out Europe.
Dirk Marivoet (B), Dirk is a registered psychotherapist (member of EAP, EABP, BVP-ABP, WAPCEPC), and a licenced Psychomotor Therapist and PT in mental health (member of VVPMT). He started his clinical and academic career at the University of Leuven where he worked for 11 years (Psychiatric Centers and Faculty for Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences). He is the founder and director of the Institute for Bodymind Integration in Ghent(B), trainer for Postural, Energetic and Pelvic-Heart Integration psychotherapy. He also studied under John Pierrakos, MD, co-founder of Bio-Energetics and Core-Energetics and is an international senior teacher and supervisor. He also received shamanic training (Lakota, Druid, Tibetan). Dirk is Chair of the Core Science Foundation, Chief Editor of the International Journal of Bodymind Integration and developed Core Strokes which he teaches worldwide.
Martina Möbius (A), Martina is a certified Pelvic-Heart Integration® practitioner. She is the Helper-Trainer in this training. She is also a certified practitioner in Shiatsu, Babyshiatsu and Shiatsu for Children. A Life and Social Consultant, a graduated Social Worker and a graduated nurse and nurse teacher. Martina is an expert for body awareness and enriching sexuality. She loves to explore the adventure of partnership and sexuality and to fully live it in a loving way with her husband and her two sons. She lives close to the border – to herself and to Hungary;-)
Carmine Piroli (I), Clinical Psychologist – Psychotherapist. Lives and works in Rome, where he is born. Author of “Il corpo integrato. Teorie e tecniche psicocorporee nella psicoterapia e nel counselling”. Studied with Jack W. Painter. Certified ICPIT trainer in Pelvic-Heart Integration®, Postural Integration® and Energetic Integration®. Works for ASPIC (Università Populare di Counseling – Scuola Superiore Europea di Counseling in Rome) where he leads seminars and trainings in “IL CORPO CHE CURA IL CORPO.” Carmine is a warmhearted person and trainer with a broad interest in culture, literature, science and society and he loves sports, time close to the sea, walks in mountains and fun with people. Carmine is the clinical supervisor of this training.
Dates YEAR 1
Part I : To be announced
Part II: To be announced
Part III: To be announced
Part I : To be announced
Part II: To be announced
Part III: To be announced
Part I: To be announced
Part II: To be announced
Part III: To be announced
PRICES : to be announced (Incl. Manual) – Excl. Accomodation – Lodging + Food.
WHERE? to be announced.
Interested to participate? Please contact:
Dirk Marivoet: dirk@bodymind-integration.com
Elisabeth Renner: elisabeth@bodymindintegration.at